The Importance Of Communication In Event Management

If your event is very large-scale, think about having an all call emergency channel which will speak across all channels, so that all stewards are on alert – this can be very useful if anyone’s children get lost, and are a handy way to make announcements.
Communication Goes Both Ways
To manage your event effectively, stewards and marshals must have bilateral communication. This is best done with event communications radios, but for conversations that need privacy you could consider private call radios or allocating specific channels for the use of management. It’s important to acquire this equipment well before the event so that it can all be checked before deployment to the event site. You may need to provide earpieces for particularly noisy event areas. Marshals will need to be trained in the use of your system for effective, successful communication in event management.
Clear & Simple
It is important that everyone speaks in clear, unambiguous language, and staff should avoid the use of acronyms or jargon as much as possible. For any terms like this that are necessary, there should be a comprehensive glossary of terms made available to all parties so that they can familiarise themselves with them.
Roles In The Team
The planning process should identify which parties are responsible for specific tasks. Consider assigning a coordinator as a universal point of contact. This person will receive, collate, cross-check and divulge information concerning radio-channel frequencies, phone lines, call-signs, contact lists, alert cascades, etc.
Everyone needs to be aware of the person in charge, the person who provides instructions and information and the means by which these will be given. This could be radio, mobile phone, face-to-face, or any other means your event is using.
Public information is also a major consideration of event planning. If members of the public are well-informed, they are less likely to become frustrated, obstructive or aggressive. Give some careful consideration to what information your audience will need if there are any delays, cancellations or changes to a schedule.